Cantele Salice Salentino Riserva 2018

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Salice Salentino Riserva The village folk still call it Niuru Maru: Negroamaro, meaning bitter black (red). In another era, Negroamaro was grown solely to ship to the north of Italy where the colder climate made it challenging to obtain the desired color and alcohol levels in the wines they produced. But in recent decades, more and more Salento wineries have looked to the variety as one of the most noble expressions of Pugliese viticulture.

A lot of wineries are starting to make excellent examples, but none finer for the price than the Cantele San Salice. Situated in the heart of the Mediterranean, Puglia is a land of rare beauty, where vast plains alternate with gentle hills. Salento, the long narrow strip that forms Puglia’s southern peninsula, extends between the Ionian and Adriatic seas. It’s an area rich with ancient olive groves and vines, enchanting beaches and jagged rocky shoreline.

Original price was: $16.00.Current price is: $11.95.

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This is a gem from Puglia and showcases their top native grape. It’s a gorgeous ruby in color with intense and complex aromas of candied fruits and spices that also incorporate some more bramble and earthy notes. The tannins and fresh acidity work together to create a balanced, smooth wine and this one is a home run value that would run you a lot more if it came from elsewhere.

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