Nelson’s Green Brier Tennessee Whiskey


Any whiskey historian can tell you, Nelson Green Brier is a HUGE deal. Back in the late 1800’s, Charles Nelson had his world-famous distillery in Green Brier County, Tennessee absolutely humming. The man was making his own recipes for Tennessee Whiskey, making 30 different kinds and over 2 million bottles a year globally – somewhere around 30x as much as Jack Daniels was doing at the time.

But of course, like so many, the Prohibition in 1909 forced them to shutter their doors and eventually sell the property to Seagrams in Canada before it was eventually closed.

But like all great comeback stories – this one has a crazy twist. Nearly a century later, Charles Nelson’s great grandchildren, Charlie and Andy stumbled upon an old sign from the original distillery. Not even knowing what it was (!), they took it to a historical society where they found two bottles of the original Tennessee Whiskey and also learned it used to belong to their great grandfather.

Determined to bring to life the family’s rich history, Andy was told there was only one person in the industry he should call to make this dream come true… yep. I can’t even make it up, he called the late, great legend Dave Pickerell.


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The whiskey is a little on the sweeter, rounder, more elegant side because it has wheat in the mash bill. Most other TN whiskies use rye as the flavoring grain which gives it those spicy notes. The wheat in this mash bill emparts a sweeter, almost floral notes, but it’s just a lights out Whiskey that needs nothing more than a cube or even a few drops of water. The whiskey is produced in-house at the distillery in Nashville and aged a minimum 4 years.

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